Rowlf and Hopper

Some Of What I Learned

Floating around various blogs, some diabetes-related, others just pure nonsense, I’ve noticed that several writers have posts that follow a particular theme at times. I’ve tried Monday Mantras, but I tend to get really busy on Monday’s and forget to do them. Or I can’t find a Sharpie pen to write with. Or my Post-Its to write on. But mostly, I just forget.

Sara over at Moments of Wonderful does this cool thing called Faith Fridays. I’m not a particularly religious person (faith, yes…religion, not so much), but I really dig what she shares because she connects it to her real life. I think that faith must have that connection to real life to have much meaning. Your ability to walk on water may vary from mine…I tend to sink pretty quick.

I know me, probably better than most people do. I know that I have a hard time doing anything on a consistent basis, with the exception of DSMA on Wednesday nights and having coffee every morning. EVERY. MORNING. I have to really be passionate about something to keep it going for a significant length of time (ahem…this blog). I also need to have the vision to see where something is going. If I can’t see the end result myself, or have it explained to me by someone, then it can be difficult to get me to buy into it. I like to dream big, and in detail. Doing something just to keep the ship afloat does me no good if I can’t envision the paradise that the ship is sailing to.

Part of having and developing a vision for the future, any future, is having curiosity and the desire to learn something new. A world where people know everything would be pretty dull. While showering (you just never know where inspiration is going to strike, I tell ya!), I thought up an idea to share some of the things that I learn each month.

Also, if you want to write a post and participate at any time, just throw in the hashtag #SOWIL (stands for Some Of What I Learned) and feel free!

Some Of What I Learned (November 2011)

  1. Daily blogging is hard to do, but doing it for National Health Blog Post Month is totally worth it.
  2. If you have diabetes, you should get gifts on World Diabetes Day.
  3. Disney World is indeed a magical place. More so if you have an A-Flizzle.
  4. If you lose your phone at Epcot (or any park at Disney World) and they tell you that it is with Lost & Found at the Front Gate, that means it’s at Magic Kingdom.
  5. The Muppets are just as lovable, fun, and relevant as they were when I was a kid. And I think they should get a weekly show, like Saturday Night Live, only Muppetier. Mahna mahna.

  6. My dog has an uncanny resemblance to Rowlf.
    Rowlf and Hopper
  7. 99% of the diabetes online community prefers kindness over meanness. Also, 47.3% of all statistics are made up on the spot. But I’m certain that 99% is a pretty close estimate.
  8. I miss having CGM data. I don’t miss stabbing myself with the harpoon and the uncomfortableness of wearing the CGM sensor. Can someone please come out with less intrusive CGM technology?
  9. Samsung and Verizon are probably the worst two companies in the world to work together to introduce new technology in a timely manner. Especially when I need a new phone, and theirs is the one that I want.